今回は、ベルリッツのベテラン教師の監修のもと、スピーチの冒頭からまとめ、スピーチの構成、定型句、音声付きの具体例文を、スピーチの冒頭から トースト。
日本人も外国人もわかりやすく、ワクワクするような気持ちのいいスピーチをしたいです! これは必見です!
Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. Let me introduce. My name is Taro Suzuki. I am a sales manager.
紳士 淑女 の 皆 様 、 ん ば 介 を さ せ て く い。 私 の 前 鈴木。 私 営 部長 す。
Hello everyone. Some of you already know me, nice to see you again. Nice to see you all. I’m Taro Suzuki. I am a sales manager.
こんにちは、みんな。 私のことを知っている方もいらっしゃるかもしれませんが、またお会いできてうれしいです。 皆様にお会いできてうれしいです。 鈴木太郎です。 彼はセールスマネージャーです。
(歓迎 welcoming)
Hello everyone. I’m Taro Suzuki. I have the pleasure of leading the Sales Department.
(送別 farewell)
Everyone, listen up please. As the head of the Sales Department, I, Taro Suzuki, have some rather sad news.
みなさん、聞いてください。 セールスマネージャーとして、私、鈴木太郎はかなり悲しいニュースを持っています。
(歓迎 welcoming)
I’m glad to introduce Harry, a new member of our team. He has over ten years of experience in luxury goods sales and e-commerce experience.
私 は 、 一番 新 し い ン ン と な る ハ リ ー 介 で き る を 思 ま す は 10 年 以上 い す は
(送別 goodbye)
You know, we’re here for Debbie’s farewell party. She has worked at ABC for 5 years and the last three years with her contract management team.
ご存知のように、私たちはデビーの送別会のためにここにいます。 彼女はABCCompanyに5年間勤務し、過去3年間はチームの一員として契約管理を担当してきました。
(歓迎 welcoming)
Today we have good reason to celebrate. Harry, our new e-commerce and luxury goods market expert is joining us. I’m certain his talent will add a significant dimension to our team.
今日を祝うのには十分な理由があります。 私たちの新しいeコマースと高級市場の専門家であるハリーが私たちに加わりました。 彼の才能が私たちのチームに大きな拡大をもたらすと私は確信しています。
(送別 farewell)
Our ever-popular team member Debbie is leaving us today. Everyone knows how much she contributed to the optimization of the contract management system. We will certainly miss her and the efficiency and good humor she brought to the office. Debbie, we can’t thank you for everything you’ve done for us.
(歓迎 welcoming)
After several interviews, I was shown that he clearly understands the intricacies of both retail stores and direct sales. He sells furniture online. I fully expect him to take the lead in increasing customer satisfaction and rebranding our furniture store in the future.
ハ リ ー は, 皆 さ ん お 気 づ 通 り, て も 魅力 的 な 男性 と い う け で は あ り ま せ ん 面 の さ ま ざ ま な 通 じ て, 彼 は,彼 が 小 売 と ダ イ レ ク ト セ ス 複 雑 な 関係 を か に 理解 し る と を 示 し て 具 家具 の 通信 販 売 を し い 私 は 、 顧客 す。
(送別 goodbye)
As you all know, Debbie has always taken efficiency and improving things seriously. It has completely overhauled our complex legacy contract management system. Although I hoped she would stay with us longer, she decided to leave us to take on a new challenge in the field of intellectual property. I’m sure it will make an excellent patent attorney.
ご存知のように、デビーは常に効率と物事の改善に真剣に取り組んできました。 彼女のおかげで、私たちの時代遅れの契約管理システムは完全に再設計されました。 彼女がもっと私たちと一緒にいることを望んで、彼女はこの分野での新たな挑戦のためにここを離れることを決心しました。私は彼女が優れた弁理士になると確信しています。
(歓迎 welcoming)
At the very first interview with Harry, I was really impressed by the depth of his understanding of the importance of brands and branding. He also has some great ideas on how to improve sales in both retail and direct sales by making the customer experience central to the whole process. I’m sure he is the key to unlock the full potential of our online furniture sales through the enhancement of customer satisfaction.
ハリーとの最初のインタビューで、私はブランディングとブランディングの重要性についての彼の深い理解に深く感銘を受けました。 彼はまた、すべてのプロセスでの顧客体験に焦点を当てることにより、小売販売と直接販売の両方で販売を改善するためのいくつかの素晴らしいアイデアを持っています。 彼は、顧客満足度の向上を通じて、家具のオンライン販売の可能性を完全に解き放つ鍵であると自信を持って言います。
(送別 farewell)
Debbie was always the first to know about the latest technological developments and how to integrate them into our operations. She was always polite in her meetings with salespeople, but went straight to the point when something was ambiguous. On many occasions, I have seen system vendors sag in their new system evaluation meetings when they realized the depth of her knowledge and understanding. She has told me many times how much she enjoys going through documents, articles and reports looking for updates and improvements. I am confident that she will make an outstanding attorney and would like to take this opportunity to wish her all the best in her new endeavor.
デビーは常に最新の技術的進歩とそれをビジネスにどのように組み込むべきかをすぐに知りました。 ベンダーとのミーティングでは、彼女は間違いなく礼儀正しい人でしたが、何かが曖昧なとき、彼女はそれにまっすぐに切り込みました。 新しいシステムの評価会議を何度も行うたびに、システムベンダーの知識と理解の深さに驚かされるのを目の当たりにしました。 彼女は、新しい情報や改善点を見つけるために、ドキュメント、記事、論文をどれだけ調べるのが好きかを繰り返し私に話しました。 彼女は優れた弁理士となるでしょう。この機会を利用して、彼女の新たな努力に最大限の祈りを捧げたいと思います。
(歓迎 welcoming)
Lift your glasses in a toast to Harry. Cheers!
(送別 farewell)
Lift your glasses, please. Best wishes, Debbie. Cheers!
(歓迎 welcoming)
Please raise your glasses. Harry, thanks for joining us. We are all delighted to have you on board and look forward to your success here at ABC. To your health!
グ ラ ス を 挙 げ て く だ さ い. ハ リ ー, 私 た ち に 加 わ っ て く れ て あ り が と う. 私 た ち は 皆, あ な た の 仲 り に 興奮 し て いて, あ な た が こ こ ABC カ ン パ ー で 収 め る 成功 を 楽 み に し て い ま す 乾杯. !
(送別 goodbye)
Please raise your glasses to Debbie. Debbie, we wish you all the best in your new life. And thanks again for everything you’ve done here at ABC. We will miss you. To your health!
デ ビ ー の た め に グ げ だ さ い。 ー 、 あ た が 素
(歓迎 Welcoming)
Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. Let me introduce. My name is Taro Suzuki. I am a sales manager.
I’m glad to introduce Harry, a new member of our team. He has over ten years of experience in luxury goods sales and e-commerce experience.
After several interviews, I was shown that he clearly understands the intricacies of both retail stores and direct sales. He sells furniture online. I fully expect him to take the lead in increasing customer satisfaction and rebranding our furniture store in the future.
Raise your glasses to toast Harry. To your health!
(送別 Goodbye)
Hello everyone. Some of you already know me, nice to see you again. Nice to see you all. I’m Taro Suzuki. I am a sales manager.
You know, we’re here for Debbie’s farewell party. She has worked at ABC for 5 years and the last three years with her contract management team.
As you all know, Debbie has always taken efficiency and improving things seriously. It has completely overhauled our complex legacy contract management system. Although I hoped she would stay with us longer, she decided to leave us to take on a new challenge in the field of intellectual property. I’m sure it will make an excellent patent attorney.
Please raise your glasses. Best wishes, Debbie. To your health!
よ り よ い ス ピ ー チ
(歓 迎 Greetings)
Hello everyone. I am Taro Suzuki. I have the pleasure to lead the sales department.
Today we have a good reason to celebrate. We are joined by Harry, our new e-commerce and luxury goods expert. I am confident that his talent will contribute to our team.
In my very first interview with Harry, I was struck by the depth of understanding the importance of brands and branding. He also has great ideas on how to improve retail and direct selling and make customer interaction central to the entire process. I am confident that he is the key to unleashing all of our furniture sales online through customer satisfaction.
Please raise your glasses. Harry, thanks for joining us. We are all delighted to have you on board and look forward to your success here at ABC. To your health!
(送別 Goodbye)
Everyone, listen, please. I, Taro Suzuki, as the head of the sales department, have some pretty sad news.
Our ever-popular team member Debbie is leaving us today. Everyone knows how much she contributed to the optimization of the contract management system. We will certainly miss her and the efficiency and good humor she brought to the office. Debbie, we can’t thank you for everything you’ve done for us.
Debbie was always the first to know about the latest technological developments and how to integrate them into our operations. She was always polite in her meetings with salespeople, but went straight to the point when something was ambiguous. On many occasions, I have seen system vendors sag in their new system evaluation meetings when they realized the depth of her knowledge and understanding. She has told me many times how much she enjoys going through documents, articles and reports looking for updates and improvements. I am confident that she will make an outstanding attorney and would like to take this opportunity to wish her all the best in her new endeavor.
Please raise your glasses to Debbie. Debbie, we wish you all the best in your new life. And thanks again for everything you’ve done here at ABC. We will miss you. To your health!
* * *
どうだった? 長い記事を最後まで読んでいただきありがとうございます。
今回は、ベルリッツのベテラン教師の監修のもと、スピーチの冒頭からまとめ、スピーチの構成、定型句、音声付きの具体例文を、スピーチの冒頭から トースト。
日本人も外国人もわかりやすく、ワクワクするような気持ちのいいスピーチをしたいです! これは必見です!
Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. Let me introduce. My name is Taro Suzuki. I am a sales manager.
紳士 淑女 の 皆 様 、 ん ば 介 を さ せ て く い。 私 の 前 鈴木。 私 営 部長 す。
Hello everyone. Some of you already know me, nice to see you again. Nice to see you all. I’m Taro Suzuki. I am a sales manager.
こんにちは、みんな。 私のことを知っている方もいらっしゃるかもしれませんが、またお会いできてうれしいです。 皆様にお会いできてうれしいです。 鈴木太郎です。 彼はセールスマネージャーです。
(歓迎 welcoming)
Hello everyone. I’m Taro Suzuki. I have the pleasure of leading the Sales Department.
(送別 farewell)
Everyone, listen up please. As the head of the Sales Department, I, Taro Suzuki, have some rather sad news.
みなさん、聞いてください。 セールスマネージャーとして、私、鈴木太郎はかなり悲しいニュースを持っています。
(歓迎 welcoming)
I’m glad to introduce Harry, a new member of our team. He has over ten years of experience in luxury goods sales and e-commerce experience.
私 は 、 一番 新 し い ン ン と な る ハ リ ー 介 で き る を 思 ま す は 10 年 以上 い す は
(送別 goodbye)
You know, we’re here for Debbie’s farewell party. She has worked at ABC for 5 years and the last three years with her contract management team.
ご存知のように、私たちはデビーの送別会のためにここにいます。 彼女はABCCompanyに5年間勤務し、過去3年間はチームの一員として契約管理を担当してきました。
(歓迎 welcoming)
Today we have good reason to celebrate. Harry, our new e-commerce and luxury goods market expert is joining us. I’m certain his talent will add a significant dimension to our team.
今日を祝うのには十分な理由があります。 私たちの新しいeコマースと高級市場の専門家であるハリーが私たちに加わりました。 彼の才能が私たちのチームに大きな拡大をもたらすと私は確信しています。
(送別 farewell)
Our ever-popular team member Debbie is leaving us today. Everyone knows how much she contributed to the optimization of the contract management system. We will certainly miss her and the efficiency and good humor she brought to the office. Debbie, we can’t thank you for everything you’ve done for us.
(歓迎 welcoming)
After several interviews, I was shown that he clearly understands the intricacies of both retail stores and direct sales. He sells furniture online. I fully expect him to take the lead in increasing customer satisfaction and rebranding our furniture store in the future.
ハ リ ー は, 皆 さ ん お 気 づ 通 り, て も 魅力 的 な 男性 と い う け で は あ り ま せ ん 面 の さ ま ざ ま な 通 じ て, 彼 は,彼 が 小 売 と ダ イ レ ク ト セ ス 複 雑 な 関係 を か に 理解 し る と を 示 し て 具 家具 の 通信 販 売 を し い 私 は 、 顧客 す。
(送別 goodbye)
As you all know, Debbie has always taken efficiency and improving things seriously. It has completely overhauled our complex legacy contract management system. Although I hoped she would stay with us longer, she decided to leave us to take on a new challenge in the field of intellectual property. I’m sure it will make an excellent patent attorney.
ご存知のように、デビーは常に効率と物事の改善に真剣に取り組んできました。 彼女のおかげで、私たちの時代遅れの契約管理システムは完全に再設計されました。 彼女がもっと私たちと一緒にいることを望んで、彼女はこの分野での新たな挑戦のためにここを離れることを決心しました。私は彼女が優れた弁理士になると確信しています。
(歓迎 welcoming)
At the very first interview with Harry, I was really impressed by the depth of his understanding of the importance of brands and branding. He also has some great ideas on how to improve sales in both retail and direct sales by making the customer experience central to the whole process. I’m sure he is the key to unlock the full potential of our online furniture sales through the enhancement of customer satisfaction.
ハリーとの最初のインタビューで、私はブランディングとブランディングの重要性についての彼の深い理解に深く感銘を受けました。 彼はまた、すべてのプロセスでの顧客体験に焦点を当てることにより、小売販売と直接販売の両方で販売を改善するためのいくつかの素晴らしいアイデアを持っています。 彼は、顧客満足度の向上を通じて、家具のオンライン販売の可能性を完全に解き放つ鍵であると自信を持って言います。
(送別 farewell)
Debbie was always the first to know about the latest technological developments and how to integrate them into our operations. She was always polite in her meetings with salespeople, but went straight to the point when something was ambiguous. On many occasions, I have seen system vendors sag in their new system evaluation meetings when they realized the depth of her knowledge and understanding. She has told me many times how much she enjoys going through documents, articles and reports looking for updates and improvements. I am confident that she will make an outstanding attorney and would like to take this opportunity to wish her all the best in her new endeavor.
デビーは常に最新の技術的進歩とそれをビジネスにどのように組み込むべきかをすぐに知りました。 ベンダーとのミーティングでは、彼女は間違いなく礼儀正しい人でしたが、何かが曖昧なとき、彼女はそれにまっすぐに切り込みました。 新しいシステムの評価会議を何度も行うたびに、システムベンダーの知識と理解の深さに驚かされるのを目の当たりにしました。 彼女は、新しい情報や改善点を見つけるために、ドキュメント、記事、論文をどれだけ調べるのが好きかを繰り返し私に話しました。 彼女は優れた弁理士となるでしょう。この機会を利用して、彼女の新たな努力に最大限の祈りを捧げたいと思います。
(歓迎 welcoming)
Lift your glasses in a toast to Harry. Cheers!
(送別 farewell)
Lift your glasses, please. Best wishes, Debbie. Cheers!
(歓迎 welcoming)
Please raise your glasses. Harry, thanks for joining us. We are all delighted to have you on board and look forward to your success here at ABC. To your health!
グ ラ ス を 挙 げ て く だ さ い. ハ リ ー, 私 た ち に 加 わ っ て く れ て あ り が と う. 私 た ち は 皆, あ な た の 仲 り に 興奮 し て いて, あ な た が こ こ ABC カ ン パ ー で 収 め る 成功 を 楽 み に し て い ま す 乾杯. !
(送別 goodbye)
Please raise your glasses to Debbie. Debbie, we wish you all the best in your new life. And thanks again for everything you’ve done here at ABC. We will miss you. To your health!
デ ビ ー の た め に グ げ だ さ い。 ー 、 あ た が 素
(歓迎 Welcoming)
Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. Let me introduce. My name is Taro Suzuki. I am a sales manager.
I’m glad to introduce Harry, a new member of our team. He has over ten years of experience in luxury goods sales and e-commerce experience.
After several interviews, I was shown that he clearly understands the intricacies of both retail stores and direct sales. He sells furniture online. I fully expect him to take the lead in increasing customer satisfaction and rebranding our furniture store in the future.
Raise your glasses to toast Harry. To your health!
(送別 Goodbye)
Hello everyone. Some of you already know me, nice to see you again. Nice to see you all. I’m Taro Suzuki. I am a sales manager.
You know, we’re here for Debbie’s farewell party. She has worked at ABC for 5 years and the last three years with her contract management team.
As you all know, Debbie has always taken efficiency and improving things seriously. It has completely overhauled our complex legacy contract management system. Although I hoped she would stay with us longer, she decided to leave us to take on a new challenge in the field of intellectual property. I’m sure it will make an excellent patent attorney.
Please raise your glasses. Best wishes, Debbie. To your health!
よ り よ い ス ピ ー チ
(歓 迎 Greetings)
Hello everyone. I am Taro Suzuki. I have the pleasure to lead the sales department.
Today we have a good reason to celebrate. We are joined by Harry, our new e-commerce and luxury goods expert. I am confident that his talent will contribute to our team.
In my very first interview with Harry, I was struck by the depth of understanding the importance of brands and branding. He also has great ideas on how to improve retail and direct selling and make customer interaction central to the entire process. I am confident that he is the key to unleashing all of our furniture sales online through customer satisfaction.
Please raise your glasses. Harry, thanks for joining us. We are all delighted to have you on board and look forward to your success here at ABC. To your health!
(送別 Goodbye)
Everyone, listen, please. I, Taro Suzuki, as the head of the sales department, have some pretty sad news.
Our ever-popular team member Debbie is leaving us today. Everyone knows how much she contributed to the optimization of the contract management system. We will certainly miss her and the efficiency and good humor she brought to the office. Debbie, we can’t thank you for everything you’ve done for us.
Debbie was always the first to know about the latest technological developments and how to integrate them into our operations. She was always polite in her meetings with salespeople, but went straight to the point when something was ambiguous. On many occasions, I have seen system vendors sag in their new system evaluation meetings when they realized the depth of her knowledge and understanding. She has told me many times how much she enjoys going through documents, articles and reports looking for updates and improvements. I am confident that she will make an outstanding attorney and would like to take this opportunity to wish her all the best in her new endeavor.
Please raise your glasses to Debbie. Debbie, we wish you all the best in your new life. And thanks again for everything you’ve done here at ABC. We will miss you. To your health!
* * *
どうだった? 長い記事を最後まで読んでいただきありがとうございます。