What’s the meaning of the “excuses are tools of the incompetent” quote?
One quotation that has stayed with me is, “Excuses are tools of the incompetent.” It’s a famous quote with many people in the personal development community. When you make an excuse, you are just giving yourself a reason why you can’t do something. Excuses are harmful because they can stop you from achieving your full potential.
Excuses are tools of the incompetent – that’s what has been written in one of the quotes. Is this quote correct? No, it isn’t right because many people can succeed with their excuses. However, still, we can admit that excuses are the most widely used tool of incompetent people. We can also acknowledge that these people don’t want to be called incompetent, so they use an excuse to hide their wrongdoings and failures.
Excuses are Tools of Incompetent People
Why do you think excuses are just tools of people with low motivation and poor self-esteem? Well, first, think about why you might make excuses. It’s because making an excuse is easy. All you have to do is shift blame to someone or something else, which puts off doing something difficult. Many people like making excuses because it gives them a sense that they’re not actually in control. In other words, if someone or something else is responsible for your situation or outcome, then it’s not your fault–it’s theirs! But it’s why that way of thinking is so risky: You can’t succeed without being accountable for what happens in your life.
Study Shows Self-Control is a Learned Skill
Dr. Muraven’s study shows that self-control is a learned skill like many other skills. Research also shows that working at learning self-control will lead to increased success in various situations—not just weight loss or management. Whether you’re looking to lose weight but can’t seem to break through a stumbling block, try incorporating patience and restraint into your daily routine. For example, if you’re struggling with portion control at mealtime (or snack time), work on practicing mindfulness around food instead. By working on learning self-control in other areas, you’ll be much more likely to succeed in weight loss and management. Remember: You can’t develop skills overnight, so don’t give up!
Excuses Help Us Escape From Reality
We’ve all made excuses for a situation we didn’t like at some point in our lives. Whether it was to avoid doing something we knew we should do or explain why we couldn’t do something, excuses have been used for centuries to shift blame from one person to another and make someone else responsible for our actions. The truth is that making excuses lets us escape from reality. When you’re focusing on what has happened, you are looking at things from a future perspective rather than the past, which can be a valuable way to prevent similar events in your life. However, if you use excuses regularly, they become a crutch that holds you back from achieving success.
We All Make Excuses, and Even Strong People Do That
What’s The Meaning Of ‘Excuses Are Tools Of The Incompetent’? Again once we start, let me state unequivocally that there is nothing wrong with making excuses. Every single person on Earth makes them. Even strong people make them. However, when you make excuses, you stop moving forward in life and start getting stuck, doing nothing but complain about your problems and how other people aren’t helping enough. When you do that, all it does is reinforce your position in your circumstances. Therefore, at some point, you need to ask yourself if excuses help or if they’re holding you back from reaching a higher level in life.
Here’s an example of what I mean:
You have been unemployed for six months now because no one will hire you. After all, you have no experience. You’ve applied for hundreds of jobs and only got three interviews, where each interview ended up going nowhere. So what do you tell yourself? Do you tell yourself that I’m not good enough, or I’m not experienced enough, or something else along those lines? Well, yes, these things might be true. But is thinking about them going to get you closer to finding a job? No! It will keep reinforcing your current belief system, which won’t take you anywhere positive.
Well, how to Quit Making Excuses and Also get Things Done
A reader once asked me to describe a rampant personality trait among successful people but lacking in everybody else. Here’s what I told him: Discipline. Discipline in personal habits, the field with finances, discipline with deadlines, discipline with exercise and diet, etc. It all boils down to self-discipline, making difficult choices to ensure success later. Many people mistake an excuse for a reason or vice versa. An excuse is simply an explanation that rationalizes a decision that was already made—it isn’t intended to be a rationale for why it can’t be done at all! But many people like to blame others or external factors when they should get their sh*t together and fix whatever problem is holding them back from being great.
Final words:
Excuses are just a tool we use to make it easier for us to procrastinate. Ultimately, our minds and bodies don’t want to deal with stress. Excuses give you a reason to avoid and delay taking action. No matter how big or small your excuse is, remember that it is your way of fooling yourself into believing that you have an out. If you want to succeed in life, making excuses will never get you there. Please get rid of them as fast as possible and focus on what’s important: taking action. Don’t let your thoughts keep you from getting where you want. Thanks for your time and reading!
What’s the meaning of the “excuses are tools of the incompetent” quote?
One quotation that has stayed with me is, “Excuses are tools of the incompetent.” It’s a famous quote with many people in the personal development community. When you make an excuse, you are just giving yourself a reason why you can’t do something. Excuses are harmful because they can stop you from achieving your full potential.
Excuses are tools of the incompetent – that’s what has been written in one of the quotes. Is this quote correct? No, it isn’t right because many people can succeed with their excuses. However, still, we can admit that excuses are the most widely used tool of incompetent people. We can also acknowledge that these people don’t want to be called incompetent, so they use an excuse to hide their wrongdoings and failures.
Excuses are Tools of Incompetent People
Why do you think excuses are just tools of people with low motivation and poor self-esteem? Well, first, think about why you might make excuses. It’s because making an excuse is easy. All you have to do is shift blame to someone or something else, which puts off doing something difficult. Many people like making excuses because it gives them a sense that they’re not actually in control. In other words, if someone or something else is responsible for your situation or outcome, then it’s not your fault–it’s theirs! But it’s why that way of thinking is so risky: You can’t succeed without being accountable for what happens in your life.
Study Shows Self-Control is a Learned Skill
Dr. Muraven’s study shows that self-control is a learned skill like many other skills. Research also shows that working at learning self-control will lead to increased success in various situations—not just weight loss or management. Whether you’re looking to lose weight but can’t seem to break through a stumbling block, try incorporating patience and restraint into your daily routine. For example, if you’re struggling with portion control at mealtime (or snack time), work on practicing mindfulness around food instead. By working on learning self-control in other areas, you’ll be much more likely to succeed in weight loss and management. Remember: You can’t develop skills overnight, so don’t give up!
Excuses Help Us Escape From Reality
We’ve all made excuses for a situation we didn’t like at some point in our lives. Whether it was to avoid doing something we knew we should do or explain why we couldn’t do something, excuses have been used for centuries to shift blame from one person to another and make someone else responsible for our actions. The truth is that making excuses lets us escape from reality. When you’re focusing on what has happened, you are looking at things from a future perspective rather than the past, which can be a valuable way to prevent similar events in your life. However, if you use excuses regularly, they become a crutch that holds you back from achieving success.
We All Make Excuses, and Even Strong People Do That
What’s The Meaning Of ‘Excuses Are Tools Of The Incompetent’? Again once we start, let me state unequivocally that there is nothing wrong with making excuses. Every single person on Earth makes them. Even strong people make them. However, when you make excuses, you stop moving forward in life and start getting stuck, doing nothing but complain about your problems and how other people aren’t helping enough. When you do that, all it does is reinforce your position in your circumstances. Therefore, at some point, you need to ask yourself if excuses help or if they’re holding you back from reaching a higher level in life.
Here’s an example of what I mean:
You have been unemployed for six months now because no one will hire you. After all, you have no experience. You’ve applied for hundreds of jobs and only got three interviews, where each interview ended up going nowhere. So what do you tell yourself? Do you tell yourself that I’m not good enough, or I’m not experienced enough, or something else along those lines? Well, yes, these things might be true. But is thinking about them going to get you closer to finding a job? No! It will keep reinforcing your current belief system, which won’t take you anywhere positive.
Well, how to Quit Making Excuses and Also get Things Done
A reader once asked me to describe a rampant personality trait among successful people but lacking in everybody else. Here’s what I told him: Discipline. Discipline in personal habits, the field with finances, discipline with deadlines, discipline with exercise and diet, etc. It all boils down to self-discipline, making difficult choices to ensure success later. Many people mistake an excuse for a reason or vice versa. An excuse is simply an explanation that rationalizes a decision that was already made—it isn’t intended to be a rationale for why it can’t be done at all! But many people like to blame others or external factors when they should get their sh*t together and fix whatever problem is holding them back from being great.
Final words:
Excuses are just a tool we use to make it easier for us to procrastinate. Ultimately, our minds and bodies don’t want to deal with stress. Excuses give you a reason to avoid and delay taking action. No matter how big or small your excuse is, remember that it is your way of fooling yourself into believing that you have an out. If you want to succeed in life, making excuses will never get you there. Please get rid of them as fast as possible and focus on what’s important: taking action. Don’t let your thoughts keep you from getting where you want. Thanks for your time and reading!