consult a professional<\/a> before attempting to repair your cracked screen. Repairing yourself can void the warranty on your phone. If you do it incorrectly, you could permanently damage your device. You’ll also have to pay for the repair, which can be costly. If the damage is severe, you may need to resort to full-scale surgery to repair your phone.<\/span><\/p>\nAnother way to fix a cracked phone screen is to use toothpaste. Usually, toothpaste can be used to fix minor scratches and smudges. It is also helpful for temporary cracks. But be careful not to get toothpaste into the headphone jack or any other port.<\/span><\/p>\nNail Polish<\/span><\/h2>\nNail polish works great to fill in cracks on screens. It can also be used to cover sticky particles. Clear nail polish is a great choice, as it doesn’t require much stuff to close the cracks. Colorful nail polish will require a little more cleanup, so you’ll want to remove it before it dries completely. Also, the more paint on the screen, the harder it is to clean off.<\/span><\/p>\nIf you want to use nail polish, you’ll need a piece of cloth with no dust on it, as nail polish can seep into a crack. Next, apply a light layer of nail polish, tilting the phone slightly to encourage the adhesive to soak into the screen. Then, wait about 10 minutes for the polish to dry completely. This method will not fix a cracked screen in a damp environment, but it will seal the screen and prevent it from getting any worse.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/p>\n
In addition to nail polish, you can use screen cleaner to clean out the cracks and fix a cracked screen. Although nail polish is not the ideal solution for a cracked mobile screen, it works for mild cracks that have not spread too much. However, if the cracks are too deep or the screen has been shattered, it’s best to get it fixed by a professional.<\/span><\/p>\nAnother DIY solution is to apply super glue. This kind of glue contains cyanoacrylate, which is a stronger adhesive than ordinary glue. This product can be used to repair glass and plastics. The steps to repair a cracked screen with super glue are nearly identical to those of the other two methods. First, you must clean the screen of any debris and make sure you’re not creating any extra pressure. If you apply too much pressure, the glue will not get absorbed, and you’ll end up with a messy mess. Next, rub the screen lightly with the glue to fill in the cracks.<\/span><\/p>\n