data<\/a> that refers to a time period. They begin with the numerical number (such as 2001) and then end with an amount (such as 1999).<\/span><\/p>\nDifferent style guides suggest different guidelines for writing centuries. For example, some suggest writing the numbers completely like those in the Chicago Manual of Style and APA Other style guides suggest writing the name of the Century in words (e.g., sixteenth Century).<\/span><\/p>\nSome style guides suggest using capital letters for the word Century when it refers to an era (e.g., the 12th Century). However, this is not right and should be avoided in formal writing.<\/span><\/p>\nWhen you refer to more than one Century together, you should use the plural term centuries, which is spoken with an apostrophe if it ends with s and not with an apostrophe if it starts in the s (such, for example, the 19th Century). This is in line with the rules of genera hyphenation. In addition, this specifies that hyphens must be used when two or more words are linked or through.<\/span><\/p>\nDespite these guidelines, however, certain people still use the term “centuries” when it is not the right word. For instance, many employ the term “the 18th century” to refer to the period from 1800 until 1899, as opposed to the period that runs from 1901 to 1900. The latter is often referred to as the 19th Century.<\/span><\/p>\nThere aren’t any strict guidelines regarding when to use numbers or words in writing centuries. However, some prefer numerals if the number is lower than ten, and certain people prefer words with more than 10. In the past, it was standard to utilize numbers for the current date or words when more recent (such as in the 1990s). The most popular style for writing dates is recommended according to The Chicago Manual of Style. It is commonly used in formal and business writing.<\/span><\/p>\nDates And Rules For Writing Within The US:<\/span><\/h2>\n