practicing<\/a>. You will never become fluent if you keep doing the practice in a very wrong way. It\u2019s called \u201clanguage attrition\u201d and only can happen as you are about to learn the second language, especially if you are abroad.<\/span><\/p>\nNow what to do about this is the question that will arise in everybody\u2019s head. You can start by adding one more learning to your routine, maybe something that will be able to target a different English skill. For example, if your only activity is reading, you can add listening or speaking practice to your routine.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\nBest Websites That Will Help You To Improve Your Vocabulary\u00a0<\/span><\/h2>\nIf you want to do some extra vocabulary practice outside of your class time? Are you always ready to take on the challenges and games? Thank you are in the right place Here are some apps that will help you improve your English vocabulary that will help your English language learner.<\/span><\/p>\\u00a0<\/span><\/h3>\ is all about repetition, repetition, repetition. You can enter a course and work your way through various levels by learning five words or phrases at a single time. In addition, Memrise will keep bringing you back words you previously learned to help them stick in your memory.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\nMotivate yourself by setting a daily goal and earning points; here are some of the Memrise courses that I will recommend: 25 everyday English savings, 100 most common words in English, and an English visual dictionary.<\/span><\/p>\nCrossword Quiz App\u00a0<\/span><\/h3>\nThis free app will be able to put a fun twist on the classic crossword puzzle. You can pick the puzzles from fashion, sports, pop culture, or video games. Then uses the. Unlock some new levels and categories by completing the crossword puzzles. This word game will have you learn some new English vocabulary in no time.<\/span><\/p>\ and\u00a0<\/span><\/h3>\nHere is an excellent English word that you might not know: Philanthropist. A philanthropist likes to help other people by donating to a good cause. You can be a Philanthropist on and by simply answering English vocabulary types questions.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\nThe money which is generated by the advertisements on the website to donate to very good causes like the United Nation Food Programme and the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. Help yourself and help others simultaneously by practicing English on these websites.<\/span><\/p>\ and App\u00a0<\/span><\/h3>\ is a very great way to make vocabulary flashcards that you can easily practice on your computer, tablet, and smartphone. It is straightforward to make your study set with the words you want to practice.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\nPictures are automatically suggested for you, which is very significant if you are a visual learner just like an auditory learner or me; the website and the app can even read the words aloud to you. But wait, there is more. Quizlet will offer you other features like vocabulary quizzes, games, and a shareable vocabulary \u201cstudy set\u201d made by the other Quizlet users.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\nMerriam-Webster Online\u00a0<\/span><\/h3>\nMerriam-Webster Online is a vast online resource that can be used for learning and improving your English. It will provide a thesaurus and a dictionary that includes Spanish-English and medical dictionaries.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\nYou can also quickly look up words and listen to their pronunciation. Further, it will provide some other resources like word games and crosswords. It also has a visual dictionary that will combine the words with images.<\/span><\/p>\nWord Sift\u00a0<\/span><\/h3>\nThis website is another potent tool that will help you visualize and sift passages of the text constructively. From creating the word clouds based on the word frequency to then unpicking the keywords and connecting them, this website has a lot of exciting applications for vocabulary learning.<\/span><\/p>\n